Hi, we're NineOneOne
We invite you to share these individually wrapped single serve packets with friends and relive your motorcycle journey, or start a new one. That's what we will be up to at NineOneOne. From bike builds to track days to bench racing. NOO aims to create memories, one cup at a time. Who will you share yours with?
The Beginning
It all started off in a modest, two car garage in Northwest Indiana. The setting was sometime in the Fall of 1988. Chill swept the air as a small boy sat in the house begging his older brother to let him ride his 1974 Honda Elsinore MR50. His older brother, home from college on a short holiday break, had been eager to teach his younger brother to ride for quite some time. Finally, the stars aligned. The two marched their way downstairs to the garage and a seven-year old’s lifelong love for the sport of motorcycling, began.
The young boy watched over his older brother, holding his breath, as the little 50cc Honda was awoken from years of hibernation. A splash of fresh premixed fuel at 20:1 spilled gently over the scratched, orange and black tank as the minibike was filled with fresh fuel. The motorcycle coughed and sputtered more and more with each and every kick. The choke was pulled and with one more kick, the little minibike came to life. In a matter of seconds, the smell of two stroke premix filled the chilled Indiana air of thick blue smoke as the 14-year-old minibike, came to life. The sweetest smell the young boy had ever experienced filled his small lungs. Adrenaline and nervousness swept over his small body, this was finally it. His unrelenting passion for the sport of motorcycling began. That feeling of falling in love only comes a few times in lifetime. But comes back each time the sweet smell of pre-mix fills the air. That fateful day, the greatest affinity was built between boy and machine. Forged as a lifelong bond of joy and love for motorcycles - the love of motorcycling is alive and well in the now grown adult, today.
Jeff now works in the motorcycle industry and has three little girls of his own that are starting their journey and starting growing a newfound love for motorcycling. His Daughters, Gracyn (9), Hayden (7) both have minibikes and ride once a week. Jeff and his wife Kristy started this journey with NOO Coffee to support the sport of motorcycling. To bring people together to tell their stories on their journey with the sport of motorcycling over a fresh cup.